from hochuuami :
An ongoing series revolving around Atsuya, who is an “Unrequited Love Maniac” and the possible lovers he acquires.
Prequel: Hatsukoi Moratorium inside Shotgun Marriage (Nakura x Atsuya)
Vol.1: Shitsuren Mania (Unrequited Love Mania)
Vol.2: Junnai Allergy (Allergy to Pure Love)
Vol.3: Netsuai Complex (Ardent Love Complex)
Vol.4: Dekiai Egoism (Enraptured Love)
Vol.5: Katsubou Catharsis (Catharsis of the Love)
Vol.6: Saiai Ambivalent (The Dearest is Anbivalent)
includes characters from a few other mangas by the same author.